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Поток с входа S-Video в локальную сеть

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Сообщение Добавлено: 05 сен 2015, 19:57. Заголовок сообщения:  Поток с входа S-Video в локальную сеть
    27 ноя 2011, 19:18
Сообщения: 2
Добрый день! Прошу совета.. хочется транслировать поток с входа S-Video в локальную сеть. Тюнер Beholder 609.
Установил VLC, порылся в инете, увидел следующую строку запуска (но не уверен в правильности.. крайне не уверен):
vlc -vvv --color pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 --cr-average 1000 --sout '#rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=5004}' --ttl 12

вот что выводится мне...

root@omvserver:~# cvlc -vvv --color pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 --cr-average 1000 --sout '#rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=5004}' --ttl 12
VLC media player 2.0.3 Twoflower (revision 2.0.2-93-g77aa89e)
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - 2.0.3 Twoflower
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: Copyright © 1996-2012 VLC authors and VideoLAN
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: revision 2.0.2-93-g77aa89e
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: configured with ./configure  '--enable-static' '--build=i486-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,relro' '--config-cache' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-silent-rules' '--disable-update-check' '--enable-fast-install' '--prefix=/usr' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/vlc-nox' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--with-binary-version=5+deb7u2+b1' '--enable-a52' '--enable-aa' '--enable-bluray' '--enable-bonjour' '--enable-caca' '--enable-dbus' '--enable-dca' '--enable-dirac' '--enable-directfb' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--enable-dvdnav' '--enable-faad' '--enable-flac' '--enable-fluidsynth' '--enable-freetype' '--enable-fribidi' '--enable-gnutls' '--enable-jack' '--enable-kate' '--enable-libass' '--enable-libmpeg2' '--enable-libproxy' '--enable-libxml2' '--enable-lirc' '--enable-live555' '--enable-mad' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-mod' '--enable-mpc' '--enable-mtp' '--enable-mux_ogg' '--enable-ncurses' '--enable-notify' '--enable-ogg' '--enable-oss' '--enable-pulse' '--enable-qt4' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-samplerate' '--enable-schroedinger' '--enable-sdl' '--enable-shout' '--enable-skins2' '--enable-smb' '--enable-speex' '--enable-svg' '--enable-taglib' '--enable-theora' '--enable-twolame' '--enable-upnp' '--enable-vcd' '--enable-vcdx' '--enable-vorbis' '--enable-x264' '--enable-zvbi' '--with-kde-solid=/usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/' '--disable-dxva2' '--disable-gnomevfs' '--disable-goom' '--disable-portaudio' '--disable-projectm' '--disable-sqlite' '--disable-telx' '--enable-alsa' '--enable-atmo' '--enable-dc1394' '--enable-dv' '--enable-fbosd' '--enable-libva' '--enable-linsys' '--enable-omxil' '--enable-pvr' '--enable-udev' '--enable-v4l2' '--enable-crystalhd' '--enable-mmx' '--enable-sse' '--disable-neon' '--disable-altivec' 'build_alias=i486-linux-gnu'
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: searching plug-in modules
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins.dat
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc/plugins'
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: saving plugins cache /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins.dat
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: plug-ins loaded: 415 modules
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: opening config file (/root/.config/vlc/vlcrc)
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "ru"
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities MMX 3DNow! MMXEXT SSE FPU
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 4 candidates
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[0x9381a10] main input debug: Creating an input for 'Медиатека'
[0x9381a10] main input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[0x9381a10] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
[0x9381a10] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x9381a10] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' location='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' file='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x93853e8] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 3 candidates
[0x93853e8] main demux debug: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
[0x93853e8] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.299 ms - Total 4.299 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.299 ms)
[0x9381a10] main input debug: creating access 'file' location='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf', path='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x93874e0] main access debug: looking for access module: 2 candidates
[0x93874e0] filesystem access debug: opening file `/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x93874e0] main access debug: using access module "filesystem"
[0x93874e0] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.798 ms - Total 2.798 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.798 ms)
[0x9387c30] main stream debug: Using stream method for AStream*
[0x9387c30] main stream debug: starting pre-buffering
[0x9387c30] main stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0x9387c30] main stream debug: pre-buffering done 301 bytes in 0s - 568 KiB/s
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 7 candidates
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.644 ms - Total 4.644 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.644 ms)
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record"
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.683 ms - Total 1.683 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.683 ms)
[0x9381a10] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' location='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' file='/root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0x9390e18] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate
[0x9390e18] playlist demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[0x9390e18] main demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[0x9390e18] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.085 ms - Total 2.085 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.085 ms)
[0x93911e0] main demux meta debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates
[0x93911e0] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /root/.local/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x93911e0] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x93911e0] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua playlist script /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.luac
[0x93911e0] lua demux meta debug: Trying Lua scripts in /usr/share/vlc/lua/meta/reader
[0x93911e0] main demux meta debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded
[0x93911e0] main demux meta debug: TIMER module_need() : 11.453 ms - Total 11.453 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 11.453 ms)
[0x9381a10] main input debug: `file/xspf-open:///root/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[0x9396648] main xml reader debug: looking for xml reader module: 1 candidate
[0x9396648] main xml reader debug: using xml reader module "xml"
[0x9396648] main xml reader debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.636 ms - Total 3.636 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.636 ms)
[0x9390e18] playlist demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[0x9381a10] main input debug: EOF reached
[0x9390e18] main demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[0x9387dd0] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
[0x93874e0] main access debug: removing module "filesystem"
[0x9381a10] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'Медиатека' : 33.867 ms - Total 33.867 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 33.867 ms)
[0x9390e18] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x9390e18] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[0x9390e18] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.176 ms - Total 2.176 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.176 ms)
[0x93826b0] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x93826b0] inhibit interface error: Failed to connect to the D-Bus session daemon: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
[0x93826b0] main interface debug: no interface module matching "inhibit,none" could be loaded
[0x93826b0] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.418 ms - Total 2.418 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.418 ms)
[0x93826b0] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: playlist threads correctly activated
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: adding item `pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' ( pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 )
[0x9384600] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x9384600] main interface debug: no interface module matching "globalhotkeys,none" could be loaded
[0x9384600] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.140 ms - Total 3.140 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.140 ms)
[0x9384600] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x92ed8f0] main libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
[0x9384600] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: no fetch required for (null) (art currently (null))
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Плейлист
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
[0x9384600] dummy interface: using the dummy interface module...
[0x9384600] main interface debug: using interface module "dummy"
[0x9384600] main interface debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.618 ms - Total 3.618 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.618 ms)
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: processing request item: null, node: Плейлист, skip: 0
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: starting playback of the new playlist item
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: resyncing on pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 is at 0
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[0x9383b20] main input debug: Creating an input for 'pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'
[0x9396fd8] main stream output debug: using sout chain=`rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=5004}'
[0x9396fd8] main stream output debug: stream=`rtp'
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-rtp-mux to ts
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-rtp-dst to
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: set config option: sout-rtp-port to 5004
[0x9399ad0] main mux debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate
[0x9399ad0] mux_ts mux debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000
[0x9399ad0] main mux debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"
[0x9399ad0] main mux debug: TIMER module_need() : 3.192 ms - Total 3.192 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.192 ms)
[0x9396fd8] main stream output debug: muxer support adding stream at any time
[0x9396fd8] main stream output debug: muxer prefers to wait for all ES before starting to mux
[0x9397248] stream_out_rtp stream out debug: maximum RTP packet size: 1400 bytes
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: net: connecting to []:5004
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: net: connecting to []:5005 from []:33639
[0x9397248] stream_out_rtp stream out debug: sdp=
o=- 15678609569028513353 15678609569028513353 IN IP4 omvserver
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
a=tool:vlc 2.0.3
m=video 5004 RTP/AVP 33
a=rtpmap:33 MP2T/90000

[0x9397248] main stream out debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_rtp"
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: TIMER module_need() : 12.208 ms - Total 12.208 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 12.208 ms)
[0x9383b20] main input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
[0x9383b20] main input debug: `pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' gives access `pvr' demux `' path `/dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'
[0x9383b20] main input debug: creating demux: access='pvr' demux='' location='/dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' file='/dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'
[0x939ae78] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[0x939ae78] main demux debug: no access_demux module matched "pvr"
[0x939ae78] main demux debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.085 ms - Total 1.085 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.085 ms)
[0x9383b20] main input debug: creating access 'pvr' location='/dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000', path='/dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'
[0x939ae78] main access debug: looking for access module: 1 candidate
[0x939ae78] pvr access error: Cannot open device /dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 (No such file or directory).
[0x939ae78] main access debug: no access module matching "pvr" could be loaded
[0x939ae78] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.110 ms - Total 2.110 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.110 ms)
[0x9383b20] main input error: open of `pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' failed
[0x9383b20] main input error: Этот источник не открывается
[0x9383b20] main input error: VLC не может открыть MRL 'pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'. Ищите более подробную информацию в лог-файле.
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: finished input
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: dead input
[0x9396fd8] main stream output debug: destroying useless sout
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: destroying chain... (name=rtp)
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: removing module "stream_out_rtp"
[0x9399ad0] main mux debug: removing module "mux_ts"
[0x9397248] main stream out debug: destroying chain done
[0x9383b20] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' : 21.947 ms - Total 21.947 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 21.947 ms)
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
[0x92fcd40] main playlist debug: nothing to play

Почему вываливаются строки
[0x939ae78] pvr access error: Cannot open device /dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000 (No such file or directory).
[0x9383b20] main input error: open of `pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000' failed
[0x9383b20] main input error: Этот источник не открывается
[0x9383b20] main input error: VLC не может открыть MRL 'pvr:///dev/video0:norm=secam:size=720x576:frequency=576250:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=4000000'. Ищите более подробную информацию в лог-файле.
Из-за неустановленного PVR? Как его добавить?

Сообщение Добавлено: 06 сен 2015, 06:28. Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Поток с входа S-Video в локальную сеть
    31 дек 2013, 09:22
Сообщения: 147
Vintage, попробуй вот такую строчку:
vlc -vvvvv v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-standard=PAL :channel=1 --sout '#transcode{vcodec=h264,venc=x264{preset=ultrafast},vb=3072,fps=25}:rtp{dst=,port=1234,mux=ts}' --sout-x264-keyint 25 --ttl=3

Если тюнер имеет и композитный и s-video входы, тогда возможно вместо опции :channel=1 нужно будет указать :channel=2
Если PAL не подходит, нужно указать подходящий стандарт.
Вещание идёт на мультикаст адрес порт 1234, поэтому, чтобы свитч не флудил на все порты, желательно включить у него IGMP Snooping или подобное. У каждого производителя свои особенности. Скорее всего, потребуется ещё включить и querier, если Snooping не заработает. Ну, или отказаться от мультикаста в пользу HTTP. Или, игнорировать мультикаст флуд. :-)
TTL можно увеличить, если потребуется.
Принимать поток командой vlc rtp://@ что под Linux что под Windows. В некторых версия vlc был баг и картинку "рвало". Тогда, вместо rtp нужно указывать udp://@

Опции говорят сами за себя, но если что непонятно, то спрашивай.
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